Saturday, May 16, 2009

I"m drawing a (Pinot) Blanc

Vitner's Reserve's Pinot Blanc is on deck and bubbling away. This was the first time I've made a white wine and I was taken back by having to add bentonite in the very beginning. I asked the wine experts on my online forum and it turns out by adding it in the beginning the wine will clear faster and will be drinkable sooner. Which I guess is a good thing and one of the reasons why people buy kits. I did this kit with my friend Aimee so she could get the feel of making wine without having to cough up a few hundred dollars in start up. Besides she's willing to let me store bottles in her cellar, with its constant temperature and easy access.

The OG was 1.070 with the corresponding brix reading of 16, giving me a PA of about 9%. I'm torn between adding about 2lbs of sugar or just letting it be. I suppose if I'm going to make that addition I should do it now while it's fermenting really well.

We're due to rack it to the secondary on Monday but if the reading haven't gone down I'm not sure if that wise.

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