Saturday, August 1, 2009

Talk about fast service

I ordered grains from NOrthern Brewer Thursday and boom I opened my door this afternoon as I was leaving and found a box sitting at the door. I hurriedly grabbed it and put the yeast in the fridge and checked the grains. I was on and was playing around with the recipe creator. I made one for a belgian ale that looked relatively easy and was partial mash recipe. I found an easy to follow tutorial for partial mash on a stovetop on the brew forum, called and I'm looking forward to trying it out.

I am hoping to get to it some time this week, like Wednesday or Thursday. I've got to volunteer at the Fringe Festival in the afternoons, and I'm writing but that's all. I am hoping that the new brew kettle I ordered will be here by then, and then I think I'm done with buying equipment for a few months. What I have should see me through making two batches at a time for the next few months.

I definitely want to try as many easy recipes in as many styles as possible.

Belgian Ale

2.5# Belgian Pale
1# german 2-row Pils
1# Belgian Caramunich
3# Light LME
1.85 Alexanders wheat malt
1oz Styrian Goldings @ 60 (4.5% AA)
.5 oz East Kent Goldings @ 15
Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier

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