Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Racked into new carboy

Today was a relatively productive day. I finished grading the bibliographies and managed to get all my clothes washed. I just have towels and sheets left.

I took a look at the cranberry-raspberry at it was looking a little odd. It was really cloudy and there were white streaks falling through it. I quickly racked it to another carboy and I'm hoping that when it settles again, I'll rack and then let it sit for another month or so.

I started the grapes I'd frozen a week ago. It took forever. I had to pluck them from the stems, put them in a mesh bag and they sat for a few hours thawing, but I hardly got any liquid from it. I took the grapes out of the bag and just crushed them in the bucket, poured a little hot water over them, added some sugar water and campden tablets, set it aside until tomorrow.

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