Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brown Ale recipe

Brown Ale

6# Gold LME
2# DME
1# Crystal Malt 60L
1/2# Chocolate Malt
1oz Nugget pellet hops (12.5% AA) at 60
1oz Willamette leaf hops (4.5%AA) at 30
1oz Willamette lef hops (4.5% AA) at 15
3tsp yeast nutrient (hey couldn't hurt)

OG 1.056 or 058 ( had a hard time reading it), which was a little high for this particular recipe. The range I had was between 1.045-1.055.

Racked onto the yeast at around 72 degrees. Turns out the reason my water pressure was a little low and not as cold, was that my neighbors were watering the yard. I'll have to take that into consideration next time.

The yeast was Wyeast 1028.

Now I just have to wait and hope that this yeast will take. Dang, this is going to be a long 24 hours.

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