Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fresh Buckwheat Hell

Buckwheat is a pain in the ass. Right up there with pellet hops.

I had to separate the buckwheat into two colanders because we'd just put too much into the first pan. Those little suckers swelled like fat ticks and now I have two aired containers oozing gelatinous goo. They better spout or I'm going to be really disappointed...and then pissed, moving straight into frustrated anger. I do have a plan for what to do with the remaining 4# in case this attempt is a bust.

I would have taken pictures of the process but I would need someone to hold up the colander so I could get a picture of the greyish goo dripping from the container. I'll have to wake up through the night and check to make sure goo doesn't over flow all over the table.

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